I saw on Face book yesterday several comments about how much it should cost to diagnose a car. One comment said it should not cost anything. An other comment said it should cost $ 80.00. Some one was calling around because the were told that to diagnose there car the repair shop wanted to charge them $ 350.00. The thing I think that some people dont get it. Is what are they calling a Diagnose? It could be look under the hood and see something is broke. Could that be free?? I think it needs a professional advice on why something is broke. I recently had a washer repair man at my house for maybe 15 min. The charge from him was $100.00. I am Very happy to pay a man $100.00 his advise saved me a lot of hassle trying to fix something that need to go to the dump. The point is you pay for what you get. Some diagnostics can involve the most experienced technician and the most expensive equipment to find the problem. They all deserve to get paid for all of there training and and expert advice. If a repair shop say well if you do the repair with us we wont charge you for the diagnose. Is that fair to a technician too tell him that his knowledge is not worth anything. No way! Will that shop just raise the repair price in order to compensate ? I think probably. I think that is wise to to treat each other with respect in there field of expertise. I am sure not going to tell my doctor that I dont think I should be charged because he did not find anything wrong. How ever we get this all the time car repair.